We are
The Order of Grace is a Christian community that serves The Grace Network TGN community. Our members seek to practice justice, hospitality, prayer and presence. We work within and support the social enterprises that are part of TGN. We arrange various regular gatherings within our warehouses to inspire and practice these four practices.
A group of people who share in the vision and work of the Grace Network, and follow the One who laid out this vision: Jesus Christ. We believe that the presence of a praying, contemplative, active and welcoming religious community within each hub of The Grace Network helps to support, challenge and progress the work of the Network and further the wellbeing of every individual within it.
We believe that life lived in community, whilst often challenging and complex, is the only way to achieve transformation. We commit to the way of life laid out below, in the hope that through service we will cultivate purpose, joy and healing in ourselves, our communities, and the wider world.